Hi, my name is Simran! I am a Calgary based photographer and creative. My artistic interests include photography, interior design, and photo and video editing. My non-artistic interests include finance, travelling and all things organization and planning.

“Tourism Calgary is the official destination marketing and development organization for Calgary’s tourism industry. For more than 50 years, the organization’s primary purpose has been to promote Calgary and area as the destination of choice for leisure travellers. With a vision of making Calgary the ultimate host city, Tourism Calgary:”
- Markets Calgary in new and exciting ways;
- Advocates for what’s best for the quality of life of Calgarians and for Calgary’s growing tourism industry;
- Hosts visitors, and events that build Calgary’s brand and offer shareable experiences;
- Activates experiences in ways that attract, connect and inspire.

“Daily Hive is a Canadian-born online news source, established in 2008, that creates compelling, hyperlocal content. Daily Hive embraces the unique qualities that exist in a city, and reports it to produce genuine conversation among communities. With unique thematic channels, such as Dished, Mapped, and Urbanized, Daily Hive delivers top-tier information to its local audience and advertisers in Vancouver, Toronto, Calgary, Montreal, Edmonton, Seattle, and Portland.”